Region Örebo county Region Örebo county

Language support for employees

To increase the safety of our patients, Region Örebro County offers language lessons for employees who do not have Swedish as their native language.

infart, KTC, praktisk, Skola, skolor, träning, utbildning, utbildningar, USÖ

To ensure secure healthcare we provide our employees with the opportunity to seek additional language support. We believe that effective communication contributes to a reassuring patient experience.

Through our own language teachers, we can offer support in areas such as:

  • Patient-safe language
  • Communication
  • Grammar
  • Pronunciation training

Language support can be provided individually or in groups, and we adapt it to meet individual needs. The support is available to all parts of Region Örebro County, including hospitals and primary care center personnel. We offer language support for a limited period or a set number of lessons.

Meet our employees who have received language support

Meet some of our employees who received language support in learning Swedish before joining our team and listen to their experiences of developing their Swedish language skills.

Learn more.


Helena Uddmyr


Mari Gustafsson


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Last updated: Friday, March 8, 2024

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